AO: Blacktop

When: 08/22/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: koi, Matchstick, Sega, Wally,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Koi

Koi rolled in on 2 wheels per usual, and started the mosey from his parking spot.

Mosey’d to the wall


SSH, Weedpickers, Sungods, phelps.

10 jump/pull up wall things-

5 burpees

10 jump pull up wall things

5 burpees

5 jump pull up wall things

5 burpees

Mosey around to board- SUPRISE! There was a plan after all!

Doracides- and Sega HATES THEM.

Dora’s twin sister and she is a lil’ cray cray. Use the same concept as the regular Dora, 2 PAX work together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100, 200, 300, and 400 reps. The difference comes in the sprint, instead of running 100 yards you will do suicides instead. 1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 burpees, sprint back, switch with partner. PAX member picks up where PAX member doing the exercises left off.

Burpees to start- Amrap

100 Merkins

200 Dips

300 Step Ups- KILLER-

400 LBCs

300 Curls- YHC did 10

100 Dry Docks- Nobody made it this far.

Bernied back to the flag- Wally carried all my gear and announced he plans to run 50 miles in december.


COT- Everyone is all Good. Prayed for good decisions and percerverance


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