07/13/2022 - Clinic - Bear tracks

Warmarama of one side straddle hop.   bear crawl and crawl bear for 300m on raid road track.   11/11s Merlin’s, run to squats, big boys, run to Bonnie Blair’s…

05/20/2022 - Clinic - Counting at the Clinic

Warm-o-rama Mosey up to the gazebo for a welcome & disclaimer with a little breakdown on the 5 cores. Merkins, Windmills, weedpickers, Stump Jumpers The Thang 10 burpees, run to…

05/09/2022 - Clinic - Thpike Thyson

Intro Thanks to Careless Whisper who texted YHC Sunday night to apologize that he would miss YHC’s Q at the The Clinic… (record scratch sound)! YHC signed up for this…