03/21/2022 - Clinic - Return of the Tri

Mosey to Warm-a-rama SSH, Weedpicker, Imperial Walkers   Pre-Thang Eleven’s (Merkins and Squats)   The Thang (Return of the Tri) 30 reps (kodiak count) on all Flutterkick and Supermans 10…

02/28/2022 - 3rd F - Swingline Q

Regular Clinic Warm-orama 3 man team roation Stage – first man rotation included 10 curls, 10 overhead presses, 10 merkins, 10 squats.  Work was repeated until team member relieved.  Second…

03/18/2022 - Clinic - Jump Around

Warm-O-Rama: mosey, SSH, weedpickers, Michael Phelps Mission Statement The Thang: split into three teams with rotating stations. Each team completed a step and then rotated to next station. After one full…

03/16/2022 - - 2 Q’s and a number 2

The Ampitheater bathroom was unexpectedly locked. Having come early for the Clinic COT, YHC had drunk a fair amount of coffee before the BD. This led to seismic gastronomic activity…

03/14/2022 - Clinic - Mosey & Move It

Warmarama: Mosey up to Chat Tech Parking Lot – 15 SSH – 10 Imperial Walkers – 5 Merkins – Lizard Stretch Left and Right Legs – Plank Calf Stretch -…

03/07/2022 - Clinic - Level Up

Warmorama   mosey to top of amphitheater – SST/ Emperial walkers/copperhead merkins mosey back down to field at bottom of amphitheater   Thang Escalator but grouped by level instead of…

02/25/2022 - Clinic - Shoppers remorse Part 2

Shoppers remorse Part two started with a mozy around the amphitheater and warming up with some side straddle hops and Imperial walkers. Then introduced “The Clinic-mart” shopping list, consisting of…

02/07/2022 - - LabCore

7 x 7 core   we did seven reps of seven exercises then ran a lap. LbCs, big boys, mountain climbers, J Lo‘s, heels to heaven, heel  grabbers , Freddie…

02/02/2022 - - Record Day 10

Lots of stairs today. We started by doing 11s on the stairs, with star jumps on the bottom, Mike Tyson‘s on the top. Then we did a loop including the…