AO: Radio Silence

When: 01/25/2024


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Chicken Fried, CP, CSPAN (CLT/PHL/DFW), Good Hands, Lt. Dan, Mongoose, Paper jam, Short Circuit, Sooorie, Spicoli, The Count,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lt. Dan


Mosey to Knox Elementary
-on the route, Bernie Sanders, 10 Squats, 10 Star Jumps, 10 Imperial Walkers

Car back! 🚘 Oh wait, they’re going on the roundabout…


Circle around the curb in front of Knox.
Twirl of Doom: Shuffle right until pax calls “down” for a Burpee, then Shuffle left until the next pax calls it and repeat until it goes around the full circle of pax.

Ring of Fire- (Twirl of Doom in between each Β Ring of Fire round. πŸ”₯

Hold Air Squat-5 Squats
Hold Plank- 4 Peter Parkers
Hold Air Squat- 3 Star Jumps
Hold Plank- 2 Hands to Elbows
Hold Air Squat- 1 Monkey Humpers

Mosey back towards bus lane on the main road.

Catch me if you can:
10 SSH while partner does Bernie Sanders, then catch up to your partner and switch.

Any partner big or small, size doesn’t matter

Mosey to Central Park Pavillion for Mary.


Stupid X V-ups by Short Circuit and Leg/feet ups by Spicoli

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Speed for Need needs pax to step up in leadership

COT: prayers for Paper Jam’s friend who passed away from prostate cancer and CP’s wife for wedding planning things

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