AO: Colosseum
When: 03/20/2024
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names: Air Bud - Fantasy Football and Coupon Relay Champion, BailBond, Chaps, Cheesesteak, Dr Tron, Elvish, Flatline, Ghost Pepper, Magic Beans, Training Wheelz, Viceroy,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Cheesesteak
THE THANG: Don’t skip leg day! Indian run to stairs. DORA. Partner up. One partner runs to the top of the steps, performs a burpee and runs back down. Other partner performs exercise. Exercises consisted of 100 Mountain Climbers 4 count, 100 Bonnie Blairs 4 count, 100 Bobby Hurley’s, 100 Calf Raises 4 count, 100 High Knees 4 count, 100 Monkey Humpers 4 count. We then completed 2 sets of Bolt 45’s, Indian run back to the flag, and one more set of Bolt 45’s.
MARY: Box Cutters til time. I was pleased by the whining and PAX who remained on the ground after recover was called.
COT: Things