AO: League
When: 08/05/2023
Number of Pax: 36
Pax Names: Backstab, Carb, Chalkbag, Chopper, cork, Doink, Dowry, Ducky, Garfield, Good Hands, Hass, Hidden Valley, Jhorts, Jigsaw, Joanna, Katniss, Lexi, Luka, Manning, O’Doyle, Panhandle, Pegleg, Pony Boy, Pulte, Purdy, Scoby, Shank, Show Pony, Shrek, shrimp, Snail, Snapchat, Spit Valve(Twin 1), Tabletop, Tiny Dancer, Westside,
Number of FNGS: 5
FNG Names: Autobahn1, Hufflepuff, Sports Mode, Tuck, E Coli
QIC: Westside
THE THANG: It was Chopper’s world and we all just lived in it. Cork was straight fire but left early.
Great seeing some OG’s including Lexi and Manning. Katniss sighting was great
Brimstone dropping hammer bombs all morning too
4 teams, 42 PAX and 5 FNGs. This is the League of old!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chick-fil-A 5K next Saturday
COT: I forgot the coffee, my bad