When: 02/02/2023
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Amber Alert, Happy Ending,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Happy Ending, Amber Alert
Happy Ending brought out the 2.0 crew, we had 5 PAX in attendance total. We decided to split up the Q, each roughly taking 20 minutes.
Happy took the first part and started us out with a few laps around the park and then some standard warmup exercises. Then he broke out the new deck of cards and each PAX drew a card to lead us through the exercise, we got in two rounds of this.
Then YHC took over and played a musical themed Q. Played a few songs with workouts associated – worst by far was Ying Yang Twins’ “Halftime” which resulted in roughly 2,783 burpees. Yuck.
Closed out with some prayers for local youth and standard thanks for all the opportunities for which we’ve been granted.