AO: WoodstockRucks

When: 05/08/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Avis, Bonilla, Hass, Mouth-2-Mouth, Sooorie,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mouth-2-Mouth

Numbers have been low lately at all of our Rucking AOs. Is it too easy? Have we gotten soft? YHC decided to go with a more “old school” ruck beatdown for this one.

Started off with 2 minutes of merkins and 2 minutes of big boy sit-ups in preparation for Growruck 31. Then it was low crawl sandbag drags across the amphitheater. That smoked most of us. Now let’s ruck over to the green behind Reformation for a round of 60X60. Back over to the amphitheater to drop the sandbags. A short walk through the woods and mud to finish off. The best thing about Saturday morning rucking at Woodstock Rucks is the coffee with the PAX afterward. Thanks, guys for allowing me to lead.

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