AO: Apex
When: 10/30/2023
Number of Pax: 19
Pax Names: 2 Percent, Beyoncé, Canoe, Crossbow, Duster, Exile, Green Mile, Homey, JackBauer (JB), Mouserat, Picanha, Python, Ralphie, Sausage, Squirrel, Swing Line, The Situation, Tinfoil, ZORDON,
Number of FNGS: 4
FNG Names: Ariel, Bobber, Floater, Ice Capades
QIC: Green Mile
An uncommonly-large group of PAX, including 4 FNGs and a handful of downrangers — all whom had some relation to Canoe, and the bulk of whom arrived in a 12-passenger van — gathered at the Etowah HS parking lot for a Halloween-themed BD.
Complete with organ music, the 23 PAX moseyed to the lower middle school parking lot, the Q introduced himself, recited the mission, five core principles, and disclaimer, and away we went.
10 Frankeinsteins (no similarity at all to toy soldiers),
5 Pumpkin pickers (any similarity to the week picker was wholly intentional), and
Ghostbuster burpees: we played the Ghostbusters theme song, did SSHs the whole song, but did a burpee every time anyone in the song said “Ghostbusters”…could’ve made it worse by doing it on just “ghost”…
Then we all grabbed a tombstone (read: coupon), and went back to the lower middle school parking lot, and the following occurred…
THANG 1: Tombstone Partner Carry
one partner farmer carried a tombstone in each hand while the other ran the opposite direction around two parking lot islands, when the two met, they exchange the cinderblocks, repeating until each PAX had carried five times…
THANG 2: 11s: skull crushers and dead lifts
Carry the block between parking lot islands…okay, so it was more like a triceps extension…
MARY: N/A; ran over on time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nov 11 help set up for lights of hope
COT: JB chatted with us, and then we named our four FNGs…in hindsight, I appreciate the double-meaning with floater, who’s a juggler who enjoys fishing.