AO: Hurt Locker

When: 10/24/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Babyface, Bloodhound, Rest Stop, Wingman,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Babyface


We Moseyed down to the Football field, did a little dynamic stretching, then moseyed back to circle behind the bathrooms.


The Thang:

Pretty simple set up.  100 of each of the following exercises, with good form.  Everytime the alarm sounded, we ran the loop.  Exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Step-ups, Flutter Kicks, and Dry Docks.  We collectively made it through the majority of the dry docks before the 6:15 hit and we went back to the flag



Prayers for RestStops M-in Law who is having troubles with the locals ever since her husband passed.

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